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Calling for participants


Asia Butoh Tree, Butoh Camp in Indonesia

This camp is attended by people with different cultures and customs from many different countries. Participants will learn butoh while sharing their meals and lives, understanding each other's culture. This camp discovers new expressions.

Stay and live together while exchanging different cultures and practicing Butoh in Butoh camp.

Date: 2019/6/17 (Mon) – 22 (Sat)

Venue: Padang Panjang


1) Training

- Physical Training

- Butoh Basic “Body that knows oneself”

“Body that knows oneself” refer to physical body that has sharpen sense, sense that can be grab instantly. “Body that knows oneself” is one of the important elements in Butoh.

2) Butoh Workshop

What is “Kuukan” (space), Space of Kuukan, Physical body of Kuukan, and other related subjects.


Yuko Kawamoto (Shionome Butoh)


1) 15,000 Yen

2) Accommodation fee, meals, transportation from Padang airport to the camp.

3) Airfare (Kualalumpur to Padang, Air Asia is cheapest as of 2019/3)

Apply/Contact to: Shinonome Butoh

Tel: 03-6458-5908

E-mail: info@shinonomebutoh.jp

【Producer by】 Shinonome Butoh

【With assistance of】

【Cooperation of】 Art Institute Indonesia Padangpanjang

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